Better Allies: 5 Ally Actions Newsletter
Better allyship starts here. Each week, Karen Catlin shares 5 everyday actions to create a more inclusive workplace. Sign up at the link below to subscribe to the ‘5 Ally Actions’ Newsletter. Past issues of the newsletter are also available.
Lean In
Lean In helps women achieve their ambitions and helps companies build inclusive workplaces where women of all identities are supported and empowered. Resources include a free ‘50 Ways to Fight Bias’ training for companies and individuals, tips for allyship, additional research, and more.
Lean In: Sexual Harassment Resources
Lean In provides advice, information and support for harassment survivors and for anyone who wants to help. Resources include key facts to help understand the issue, strategies for practicing self-care, legal steps you can take if you’ve been harassed, and actions we can all take to prevent harassment and help survivors.
McKinsey & Company: 2021 Women in the Workplace Study
A year and a half into the COVID-19 pandemic, women in corporate America are even more burned out than they were last year—and increasingly more so than men. Despite this, women leaders are stepping up to support employee well-being and diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, but that work is not getting recognized. That’s according to the latest Women in the Workplace report from McKinsey, in partnership with LeanIn.Org.