Volunteer Opportunities

Interesting in volunteering for NAWA? Email volunteer@NawaActuaries.org!

Interested in volunteering but not sure which to choose?

For more details on our NAWA impact committees and what it means to be a NAWA Volunteer, please check out our NAWA Handbook.

Impact Committees

  • Community and Connection

    Create a supportive and welcoming community for actuaries

    Promote community building, networking, and engagement within NAWA

    Gleaning data and insights from the NAWA community to deepen member engagement and drive robust future programming

  • Measurement & Awareness

    Identify industry’s most impactful regularly published reports

    Publicly educate the actuarial profession to close various gaps across all levels

    Measure and build awareness for gaps and barriers for women inside and outside NAWA

    Build out metrics & reporting requirements for NAWA sponsors; develop annual industry report

  • Membership and Outreach

    Develop pipelines of actuarial talent through high school and college outreach

    Foster engagement within NAWA members and expand membership

    Represent NAWA during actuarial and insurance conferences

  • Learning and Development

    Curate and prepare content for NAWA events and members

    Identify and implement the most effective delivery mechanisms

    Orchestrate live and virtual educational opportunities that address the biggest barriers to personal and professional growth as actuaries for NAWA members

  • Partnerships


    Create and maintain partnerships and sponsorships

    Develop sponsor package levels & benefits; build strategy for securing sponsors

    Collaborate with partner diversity networks through events, jointly authored articles, and other innovative methods – IABA, OLA, SAGAA, SANA, ABACUS, etc.

Share Your Voice

Interested in speaking at a NAWA or partner event?

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